Thanks for checking out my work.

I’ve spent more than a decade working as a Copywriter and Creative Director for some of New York’s most lauded, creative agencies in the world. I’ve been told I’m good at getting folks to play well together. In my book the more diverse the team, the better. 

I’m usually falling down one rabbit hole or another. Nothing tickles my amygdala quite like brand spanking new concepts/sounds/perspectives. Travel’s good for that.

As a “Content Director” at IBM I’ve relied on my marketing and strategy skills almost as much as my creative chops. I’m currently responsible for content direction for a chunk of the business labeled as “modernization”. If a potential P-Tech mentee happens to actually read this copy hi! – I’m looking forward to meeting you whoever you are. I have a feeling I’ll also learn a thing or two.

A crap rotator cuff and existential dread tied to climate keeps me meditating and on the yoga mat. Running the ravines and forests of the lower Hudson valley doesn’t hurt either. If I wasn’t a Creative Director I’d be either a Dive Master or a Dungeon Master.

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